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Php file get contents

From w3cyberlearnings


PHP function file_get_contents

This function reads the file content into a string.

Syntax file_get_contents

  • file: file name
  • include_path (optional): Set to true, search the file in the include_path in php.ini as well.
  • context(optional): a valid context, and you can set to NULL if you don't use it.
  • offset(optional): Specifies the file to start reading.
  • maxlength(optional): specifies how many bites to read.
file_get_contents(file, include_path, context, offset, maxlength);


If you access the URI with special characters, such as space, you need to encode the URI with urlencode().

Example 1


$content = file_get_contents("mycontent.txt");
echo $content;

Example 2


$content = file_get_contents("http://www.w3cyberlearnings.com/");

echo $content;

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