PHP Object Oriented
From w3cyberlearnings
PHP Object Oriented
- If you just start to program, you will not familiar with the concept of object-oriented Programming Language.
- PHP is also supported object oriented programming language.
- When you develop the application based on the object-oriented programming language concept, you program is easy to expend and modify.
- In addition, by develop your program in the object oriented method, it makes your design and development easier.
What is that mean?
- Let consider a car, a car makes from many parts or components.
- A car has four wheels, a machine, four doors, and many other components.
- Some car has its own unique design, but it shares many major unique components.
- For that situation, if we develop a car object, we have to make sure all the common features are within the car object.
- Finally, we can extend the car object for other type of car for example for a Toyota car.
- In this way, we called the new object Toyota object which in turn inherited from the car object.
- When the Toyota object inherited from the car object, the Toyota object is also inherited all the properties of the car object.
Object Oriented Syntax
class car { } class Toyota extends car { }
Code (SimpleClass.php)
- We create a PHP class and named it SimpleClass.
- This class has one public function called sayHello().
- A class keyword uses to declare a class, and it follows by a class name.
- For convenience, we named the file the same as the class name.
<?php class SimpleClass { public function sayHello() { echo "hello world" . "<br/>"; } } ?>
Code (testSample.php)
- We need to import the SampleClass.php file in order for us to use the SampleClass class.
- The following is how to create the SampleClass object.
- Example: $sample1 = new SampleClass();
<?php require_once 'SampleClass.php'; // we import the SampleClass.php $sample1 = new SampleClass(); $sample1->sayHello(); ?>
hello world
PHP Constructor
- In PHP5, constructor methods can be created for a class.
- We can initialize class's property before it can be used within the constructor method.
- If the class is inherited from another class, and we need to call the parent constructor.
- Call the parent constructor class: this parent::__construct()
Code (testClass.php)
- We create a class called a Constructor class, and in this class contains a variable named $message.
- We initialized the default value for the $message variable in the class's constructor.
- Finally, when we create a Constructur object, and from the class object, we called the display_message() method.
- The display_message() method displays the $message default value that initialized within the class constructor.
<?php class Constructor { private $message ; public function __construct() { $this->message = "Hello this assign in the constructor method <br/>"; } public function display_message() { echo "<br/>". $this->message . "<br/>"; } } $test_class = new Constructor(); $test_class->display_message(); ?>
Display Result
Hello this assign in the constructor method Parent's constructor class
Parent and Child Class Example (person.php)
- In this sample codes we demonstrate the child and parents relationship.
<?php // parent class class person { protected $name; protected $age; public function __construct($name, $age) { $this->age = $age; $this->name = $name; } public function display_person() { echo "Name: " . $this->name . "<br/>"; echo "Age:" . $this->age . "<br/>"; } } // child class class employee extends person { protected $department; protected $employee_id; public function __construct($name, $age,$department, $employee_id) { parent::__construct($name, $age); $this->department = $department; $this->employee_id = $employee_id; } public function display_employee() { parent::display_person(); echo "Department: " . $this->department . "<br/>"; echo "Employee Id: ". $this->employee_id . "<br/>"; } } // demonstrate $emp = new employee("John",20,"IT","32455333"); $emp->display_employee(); ?>
Display Result
Name: John Age: 20 Department: IT Employee Id: 32455333
PHP Class Destructor
- Destructor class is called when the object is explicitly destroyed or no long used.
- In the destructor method, we can close connection or release memory back to the system.
A constructor method and the destructor method(testClass.php)
- We create a constructor and destructor methods.
- When we instantiated the Constructor class, and we assigned the default value for the $message variable.
- When the Constructor class is not longer used, the destructor method is called.
<?php class Constructor { private $message ; public function __construct() { $this->message = "Hello this assign in the constructor method <br/>"; } public function __destruct() { echo "<br/>destroy it here!"<br/>"; } public function display_message() { echo "<br/>". $this->message . "<br/>"; } } $test_class = new Constructor(); $test_class->display_message(); ?>
Display Result
Hello this assign in the constructor method Destroy it here
PHP Class/Assoc array
- In this tutorial, a class's constructor method which accepts an associative array as an argument.
- It assigns the associative array to the class's property.
Code (studentClass.php)
<?php class studentClass { protected $name; protected $major; protected $year; // this constructor method accept a single argument, // this single argument is an associate array public function __construct($student_arr) { $this->name = $student_arr["name"]; $this->major = $student_arr["major"]; $this->year = $student_arr["year"]; } // we display a student information public function display_student() { echo "Name: ". $this->name . "<br/>"; echo "Major: ". $this->major. "<br/>"; echo "Year:". $this->year . "<br/>"; } } // we create an associate array for student $bob_arr = array('name'=>'Bob Zoe','major'=>'computer science','year'=>2008); // we assign the array $bob_arr to the class $student_bob = new studentClass($bob_arr); $student_bob->display_student(); ?>
Display Result
Name: Bob Zoe Major: computer science Year:2008
PHP Final Keyword
- We can use the final keyword in front of a class or a function.
- A class or function declared as final, this class or function can not be extended or inherited.
Code (finalClass.php)
- This class can not be extended by any other classes.
- It's also mean no class can be inherited from this class.
<?php final class finalClass { public function displayHello() { echo "Hello"; } } $finalClass = new finalClass(); $finalClass->displayHello(); ?>
Final Functions (finalFunction.php)
- When a function declared as final, this function can not be redeclared by child class.
- It's also mean no child class can re-declare or override this function.
<?php class ourClass { public function displayHello() { echo "Hello"; } final public function displayMessage() { echo "Hello message!! <br/>"; } } class childClass extends ourClass { public function displayMessage() { echo "bad style"; } } $testClass = new childClass; $testClass->displayMessage(); ?>
Display Result
We have tried to override the function in the child class, as the result it generates the error messages.
Fatal error: Cannot override final method ourClass::displayMessage() in /var/www/xprofile/class/finalClass.php on line 26
PHP Private Keyword
- A private variable or function prevents user from accessing them directly.
- If we try to access the private variable or function, we will get an error message!!
Code (personPrivate.php)
- Accessing private variables or functions is not allow.
<?php class personPrivate { private $ssn; private $date_of_birth; private $driver_license; public function __construct() { $this->ssn = 'N/A'; $this->date_of_birth='N/A'; $this->driver_license = 'N/A'; echo "constructor class <br/>"; } private function birthDate() { return $this->date_of_birth; } public function setPerson($ssn, $dob, $driver) { $this->date_of_birth = $dob; $this->ssn = $ssn; $this->driver_license = $driver; } public function display() { echo "<br/> SSN:", $this->ssn , "<br/>"; echo "<br/> Date of birth:", $this->birthDate(), "<br/>"; echo "<br/> Driver License:", $this->driver_license, "<br/>"; } } $personTest = new personPrivate(); $personTest->setPerson("333-22-4444", "4/5/2000", "424-4223123"); $personTest->display(); // we cant access the attributes directly // we will get an error message // Fatal error: Call to private method personPrivate::birthDate() from context $personTest->ssn='222-344-4444'; $personTest->birthDate(); ?>
Display Result
- As you can see, accessing the class private method or variable will generate an error message.
constructor class SSN:333-22-4444 Date of birth:4/5/2000 Driver License:424-4223123 Fatal error: Call to private method personPrivate::birthDate() from context
PHP Public Keyword
- A public function or variable means that everyone can access it.
- When we declare a variable or function as public, we allow the public to access it directly.
- We can access the $message variable directly.
- If we have declared the message variable as private or protected, we will get an error message when we try to access them.
<?php class Department { public $message; public function Display() { echo "This is " , $this->message , "<br/>"; } } $dept = new Department(); $dept->message = "<b>hello world</b>"; $dept->Display(); echo "here how we call the public attribute ", $dept->message , "<br/>"; ?>
Display Result
This is hello world here how we call the public attribute hello world
PHP Protected Keyword
- Protected keyword is similar to the private keyword.
- When a parent class declare a variable or function as protected, we can access that variable or function in the child class as thought it is declared as public.
- When we instantiated a class that have the variable or function declared as protect, we will not allow to directly access that variable or function.
Code (protectedClass.php)
<?php class ParentClass { protected $name; protected $age; } class ChildClass extends ParentClass { public $dept; public function __construct() { $this->dept = "n/a"; $this->age = "n/a"; $this->name = "n/a"; } public function setProperty($dept, $name, $age) { $this->dept = $dept; $this->age = $age; $this->name = $name; } public function getAge() { return $this->age; } public function getName() { return $this->name; } public function getDept() { return $this->dept; } } $child_test = new ChildClass(); $child_test->setProperty("IT", "Souphal", 21); echo "<br/> Age : ", $child_test->getAge() , "<br/>"; echo "<br/> Name: ", $child_test->getName() , "<br/>"; echo "<br/> Dept: ", $child_test->getDept() , "<br/>"; ?>
Display Result
Age : 21 Name: Souphal Dept: IT
PHP Object Oriented Car
- From the previous tutorial, we have discussed some of the foundation of object-oriented and how to design the object in PHP.
- In this tutorial, we are going to design a car object.
- A car object contains: name, engine, doors, wheel, color, year, and many other components.
- Different car model has different features. However, all cars share common attributes and functions.
Car.php (A basic car object)
- In this car class, we have declared six protected variables.
- A protected variable or function is accessible by a child class.
- Protected variable or function prohibit the instance object to directly access the class variable or function.
- Only the child class can access the protected variable or function.
- Because the variables are not publicly accessible, we need to create setter methods (public function setName($name)) to set the variable value, and the the getter methods (public function getName()) to get the variable value.
<?php class Car { // declared 6 privated variables protected $name,$engine, $door, $wheel, $color, $year; // default constructor, and we have initialized default value public function __construct() { $this->door = 4; $this->engine = '4 cylinder'; $this->wheel = '4x4'; $this->year = 2011; $this->color = 'silver'; $this->name = 'None'; } public function setProperties($data) { $this->name = $data["name"]; $this->engine = $data["engine"]; $this->door = $data["door"]; $this->wheel = $data["wheel"]; $this->color = $data["color"]; $this->year = $data["year"]; } public function setName($name) { $this->name = $name; } public function getName() { return $this->name; } public function setEngine($engine) { $this->engine = $engine; } public function getEngine() { return $this->engine; } public function setDoor($door) { $this->door = $door; } public function getDoor() { return $this->door; } public function setWheel($wheel) { $this->wheel = $wheel; } public function getWheel() { return $this->wheel; } public function setColor($color) { $this->color = $color; } public function getColor() { return $this->color; } public function setYear($year) { $this->year = $year; } public function getYear() { return $this->year; } public function display() { echo "<hr>"; echo 'Name :'. $this->getName(). "<br/>"; echo 'Year :'. $this->getYear() . "<br/>"; echo 'Engine :'. $this->getEngine() . "<br/>"; echo 'Color :'. $this->getColor(). "<br/>"; echo 'Wheels :'. $this->getWheel(). "<br/>"; echo 'Doors :'. $this->getDoor(). "<br/>"; } } ?>
Code (TestCar.php) (Test the car class)
- We imported the Car.php file, and we create the car object.
<?php require_once 'Car.php'; /* * create a car object * and we call the display() function, * we get the default value, because we haven't set any attribute yet * */ $new_toyota = new Car(); echo "<br/><b>Display default attribute values</b><br/>"; $new_toyota->display(); /* * We create $data_car array * We call the setProperties($data_car) to assign the car's attributes * Finally, we call the display() function * */ $data_car = array( 'name'=>'Toyota', 'engine'=>'4 cylinder', 'door'=>'4', 'wheel'=>'2 wheel drive', 'color'=>'black', 'year'=>2011 ); echo "<br/><b>Set the attribute value from the array</b><br/>"; $new_toyota->setProperties($data_car); $new_toyota->display(); /* * we call the setter functions to set the attributes * Finally, we call the display() function */ $new_toyota->setYear(2012); $new_toyota->setColor("blue"); $new_toyota->setDoor("4"); $new_toyota->setEngine("4 cylinder"); $new_toyota->setWheel("2 wheel drive"); $new_toyota->setName("Honda"); $new_toyota->display(); /* * We create a list of array * and we loop through the array with foreach * Finally, we call the display() function to display the car */ $data_all = array( 'Toyota Camery'=> array( 'name'=>'Toyota Camery', 'engine'=>'4 cylinder', 'door'=>4, 'wheel'=>'2 wheel drive', 'color'=>'silver', 'year'=>2012), 'Honda Accord' => array( 'name'=>'Honda Accord', 'engine'=>'6 cylinder', 'door'=>2, 'wheel'=>'2 wheel drive', 'color'=>'blank', 'year'=>2012), 'BMW'=> array( 'name'=>'BMW 530i', 'engine'=>'6 cylinder', 'door'=>4, 'wheel'=>'2 wheel drive', 'color'=>'blank', 'year'=>2012) ); echo "<br/><b>Set the attribute value from the array list</b><br/>"; foreach ($data_all as $k=>$v) { $new_toyota->setProperties($v); $new_toyota->display(); } ?>
Display Result
Name :None Year :2011 Engine :4 cylinder Color :silver Wheels :4x4 Doors :4 Set the attribute value from the array Name :Toyota Year :2011 Engine :4 cylinder Color :black Wheels :2 wheel drive Doors :4 Name :Honda Year :2012 Engine :4 cylinder Color :blue Wheels :2 wheel drive Doors :4 Set the attribute value from the array list Name :Toyota Camery Year :2012 Engine :4 cylinder Color :silver Wheels :2 wheel drive Doors :4 Name :Honda Accord Year :2012 Engine :6 cylinder Color :blank Wheels :2 wheel drive Doors :2 Name :BMW 530i Year :2012 Engine :6 cylinder Color :blank Wheels :2 wheel drive Doors :4
PHP Inherit Car Class
- In this tutorial, we create the BMW class and this class inherits from the Car class.
- We have included the controller and bmw_serial variables for the BMW class.
- We also created the setter and getter functions.
- We use the extends keyword to inherit from a parent class.
Inherit from Car class (BMW.php)
- The BMW class included the Car.php file in order to use the Car class.
- We created two variables, and we have initialized the default value for these variables in the constructor class.
- In addition, we called the parent's constructor class parent::__construct() within the child class (BMW) constructor.
- We declared two private variables, and we need the setter and getter functions in order to set private variable value.
- To call the function in the parent's class, we need to use parent::functionName().
<?php require_once 'Car.php'; class BMW extends Car{ private $controller; private $bmw_serial; public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->bmw_serial = 'n/a'; $this->controller = 'n/a'; } public function setController($controller) { $this->controller = $controller; } public function getController() { return $this->controller; } public function setSerial($serial) { $this->bmw_serial = $serial; } public function getSerial() { return $this->bmw_serial; } public function display() { parent::display(); echo "Controller: " . $this->controller . "<br/>"; echo "Serial Number:" . $this->bmw_serial . "<br/>"; } } $new_bmw = new BMW(); $new_bmw->display(); $new_bmw->setName("BMW 740i"); $new_bmw->setEngine("6 cylinder"); $new_bmw->setDoor(4); $new_bmw->setYear(2012); $new_bmw->setColor("black"); $new_bmw->setWheel("2 wheel drive"); $new_bmw->setSerial("bwm32342432240"); $new_bmw->setController("Advanced Control System"); $new_bmw->display(); ?>
Display Result
Name :None Year :2011 Engine :4 cylinder Color :silver Wheels :4x4 Doors :4 Controller: n/a Serial Number:n/a Name :BMW 740i Year :2012 Engine :6 cylinder Color :black Wheels :2 wheel drive Doors :4 Controller: Advanced Control System Serial Number:bwm32342432240
PHP Abstract Class
- Any class that defined as abstract can no be instantiated, and we inherit the abstract class with the extends keyword.
- All the methods in the abstract class that declared as abstract must be defined in the child class.
- If the method in the abstract class defined as protected, we need to either define it as protected or public, not private.
- An abstract class does not need to be a based class, and the abstract class could be inherited from another class.
- We define the abstract class as the class skeleton.
- The abstract class contains variables and member methods.
- Member methods of the abstract class can be completed or incompleted.
- The derived class that extends the abstract class provides a full functionality for the incomplete member methods.
- When do we need an abstract class? A class that is generic to all other class, should be created as abstract.
- Thus all other classes can inherit from it. Within the abstract class, the common method is the method that does not define abstract.
- We use the abstract class to group the related class together, and abstract class is never declare as final because it is always extendable.
person.php for the abstract class
- We defined the person class as the abstract class.
- This person abstract class will be used by other classes.
- Employee, Employer, Customer can extend this abstract class.
- The abstract class shares many methods and attributes for other classes.
- When a child class extends this abstract class, that child class must define the display() and setPerson($firstname, $lastname, $age) functions. If the child class does not define those functions, PHP will generate an error message.
Code (person.php)
<?php abstract class person { protected $first_name; protected $last_name; protected $age; abstract public function display(); abstract public function setPerson($firstname,$lastname,$age); } ?>
Code (employee.php) (This class extends/inherit from the person class)
- The employee class extends the person class, and it defines two public member functions.
- Without these two member functions, PHP will generate an error message.
- public function setPerson($fname, $lastname, $age)
- public function display()
<?php require_once 'person.php'; class employee extends person { public $department; public $role; public function setPerson($fname, $lastname, $age) { $this->first_name = $fname; $this->last_name = $lastname; $this->age = $age; } public function display() { echo "Department: ". $this->department . "\n"; echo "Role: ". $this->role. "\n"; echo "First Name: ". $this->first_name . "\n"; echo "Last Name: " . $this->last_name . "\n"; echo "Age: " . $this->age . "\n"; } public function __construct($fname, $lastname, $age) { $this->setPerson($fname, $lastname, $age); } } $employee_1 = new employee('Chrstina','Zhota',21); $employee_1->department = "HR"; $employee_1->role = "PHP Recruiter"; $employee_1->display(); ?>
Display Result
Department: HR Role: PHP Recruiter First Name: Chritina Last Name: Zhota Age: 21
Code (customer.php) (this class extends the person class)
- The customer class is another example that it extends the person class.
- This class defines two member functions.
- public function display()
- public function setPerson($fname, $lastname, $age)
<?php require_once 'person.php'; class customer extends person { public $customer_id; public $order_date; public $cost; public $shipping_date; public function display() { echo "Customer ID: " . $this->customer_id . "\n"; echo "Order Date: " . $this->order_date . "\n"; echo "Cost: " . $this->cost . "\n"; echo "Shipping Date: " . $this->shipping_date . "\n"; echo "First Name: ". $this->first_name . "\n"; echo "Last Name: " . $this->last_name . "\n"; echo "Age: " . $this->age . "\n"; } public function setPerson($fname, $lastname, $age) { $this->first_name = $fname; $this->last_name = $lastname; $this->age = $age; } } $customer1 = new customer(); $customer1->customer_id = "20311"; $customer1->order_date = "04/14/2011"; $customer1->cost = "20"; $customer1->shipping_date = "04/15/2011"; $customer1->setPerson("Obama","President",40); $customer1->display(); ?>
Display Result
Customer ID: 20311 Order Date: 04/14/2011 Cost: 20 Shipping Date: 04/15/2011 First Name: Obama Last Name: President Age: 40
PHP Extend Abstract Class from another class
- An abstract class can inherit from another class.
- In this tutorial, we have the DB class, and the MyDBConnect class has extended from the DB class.
- On the other hand, the MySQL_db class has inherited from the MyDBConnect.
Code (DBcode.php)
<?php class DB { public function connectDB() { echo "Connect to DB \n"; } } abstract class MyDBConnect extends DB { public abstract function ConsistentConnect(); } class MySQL_db extends MyDBConnect{ public function ConsistentConnect() { echo "This is a consistent connection to Mysql \n"; } } $db_conn = new MySQL_db(); $db_conn->ConsistentConnect(); $db_conn->connectDB(); ?>
Display Result
This is a consistent connection to Mysql Connect to DB
PHP Interface Class
- Interface has methods that the class must implement.
- We only define methods without methods' content within the interface class.
- And, all methods declared in the interface must be public.
- When we use the interface we called it implement.
- We must implement all the methods in the interface, if not we will get error message.
- A single class may implement more than one interfaces.
- Thus, we use the interface class to group unrelated class together.
Code (Activitee.php) Interface
- We create an Activitee interface,
- And, it contains three methods:setwork($work), getwork(), and message($msg).
- All these methods must be declared and used by the class when the class implements this interface.
<?php interface Activitee { //put your code here public function setwork($work); public function getwork(); public function message($msg); } ?>
Code (ActiviteeClass.php) (ActiviteeClass implement the interface)
- We create the ActiviteeClass, and this class implements the Activitee interface.
- Within the ActiviteeClass we declare all three methods that contains in the Activitee interface.
public function setwork($work) public function getwork() public function message($msg)
=example code
<?php require_once 'Activitee.php'; class ActiviteeClass implements Activitee { private $my_work,$massage; public function setwork($work) { $this->my_work = $work; } public function getwork(){ return ($this->my_work); } public function message($msg) { echo "This is my ". $msg . " !\n"; echo "I work as ". $this->getwork() . "!\n"; echo "this is my class massage " . $this->massage . "!\n"; } } ?>
Test the ActiviteeClass class (testActiviteeClass.php)
- We have already created the interface and a class to implement this interface.
<?php require_once 'ActiviteeClass.php'; $my_activities = new ActiviteeClass(); $my_activities->setwork("php oop programmer"); $my_activities->message("php and mysql"); ?>
Display Result
This is my php and mysql ! I work as php oop programmer! this is my class massage ! php oop programmer
Code (Prowork.php) interface
- We declare two functions within the Prowork.php,
- There are startwork($start) and stopwork($stop) function.
<?php interface Prowork { public function startwork($start); public function stopwork($stop); } ?>
implements Activitee and Prowork interface(ActiviteeClass2.php)
- This ActiviteeClass2 class implements two interface, Activitee and Prowork interfaces.
- Also, ActiviteeClass2 must include all the methods from both interfaces.
public function setwork($work) public function getwork() public function message($msg) public function startwork($start) public function stopwork($stop)
Example code
<?php //copyright and Sophal Chao, 2011, all rights reserved require_once 'Activitee.php'; require_once 'Prowork.php'; class ActiviteeClass2 implements Activitee, Prowork { private $my_work,$massage; private $startwork, $stopwork; public function setwork($work) { $this->my_work = $work; } public function getwork(){ return ($this->my_work); } public function message($msg) { echo "This is my ". $msg . " !\n"; echo "I work as ". $this->getwork() . "!\n"; echo "this is my class massage " . $this->massage . "!\n"; echo "Start work is ". $this->startwork . "\n"; echo "Stop work is ". $this->stopwork . "\n"; } public function startwork($start) { $this->startwork = $start; } public function stopwork($stop) { $this->stopwork = $stop; } } ?>
Test the ActiviteeClass2 class(testActiviteeClass2.php)
- Again, we test this class to make sure it works correctly as we expected.
- In the ActiviteeClass2 implements two other interfaces.
<?php //copyright and Sophal Chao, 2011, all rights reserved require_once 'ActiviteeClass2.php'; $my_activities2 = new ActiviteeClass2(); $my_activities2->setwork("php oop programmer"); $my_activities2->startwork("starting work"); $my_activities2->stopwork("stoping work"); $my_activities2->message("php and mysql"); ?>
PHP Adapter Class
- Adapter class is a design pattern that we normally use when we can't modify the original class.
- We adapt the original class to a new method as needed.
- Generally, we use the adapter pattern when we want to make the incompatible class to work togather.
- The adapter class is also called wrapper pattern or simply wrapper.
Code (Customer.php)
- We have demonstrated how to use interface and abstract in the Customer class.
- The Customer class contains two attributes: name and address.
- This Customer class implements the Address interface, and extends the Person abstract class.
<?php abstract class Person { abstract public function setName($n); abstract public function getName(); } interface Address { public function setAddress($address); public function getAddress(); } class Customer extends Person implements Address { protected $name; protected $address; public function setAddress($address) { $this->address = $address; } public function getAddress() { return ($this->address); } public function setName($name) { $this->name = $name; } public function getName() { return ($this->name); } public function __construct($name, $address) { $this->setAddress($address); $this->setName($name); } } ?>
Code (OrderItem.php)
- OrderItem class is a simple class which has three attributes: item_name, item_quantity and cost
<?php //copyright and Sophal Chao, 2011, all rights reserved class OrderItem { protected $item_name; protected $item_quantity; protected $cost; public function __construct($item_name, $item_quantity, $t_cost) { $this->item_name = $item_name; $this->item_quantity = $item_quantity; $this->cost = $t_cost; } public function getName() { return $this->item_name; } public function getQuantity() { return $this->item_quantity; } public function getCost() { return $this->cost; } } ?>
Code (CustomerOrderAdapter.php) (adapter)
- In the following example. We have the CustomerOrderAdapter adapter class.
- This class takes in the instance of Customer and OrderItem classes.
- In the getOrderDetail() method, its get the methods from both the Customer and OrderItem classes as its own.
<?php //copyright and Sophal Chao, 2011, all rights reserved require_once 'Customer.php'; require_once 'OrderItem.php'; class CustomerOrderAdapter { private $order; private $customer ; public function __construct(OrderItem $item, Customer $customer1) { $this->order = $item; $this->customer = $customer1; } public function getOrderDetail(){ return "Order Name: " . $this->order->getName() . "\n". "Quantity: " . $this->order->getQuantity() . "\n". "Each Item Cost: " . $this->order->getCost() . "\n". "Total Cost: " . ($this->order->getCost() * $this->order->getQuantity()) . "\n" . "Customer Name: " . $this->customer->getName() . "\n" . "Address: " . $this->customer->getAddress() . "\n"; } } $customer1 = new Customer("Johnny","403 Main Str, Box 1544, Houston Tx 71003 USA"); $order_infor = new OrderItem("Advanced PHP OOP Book",2,40); $customer_order_detail = new CustomerOrderAdapter($order_infor, $customer1) ; echo $customer_order_detail->getOrderDetail(); ?>
Display Result
Order Name: Advanced PHP OOP Book Quantity: 2 Each Item Cost: 40 Total Cost: 80 Customer Name: Johnny Address: 403 Main Str, Box 1544, Houston Tx 71003 USA