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HTML Formating

From w3cyberlearnings


HTML - formatting text

Formatting text within HTML can be accomplised by using the HTML formatting tags.Some of the HTML formatting tags are obsoleted. Additionally, you may want to use the CSS for formatting your HTML page.

HTML - Syntax formatting text

<b>	 bold text </b>
<big>	 big text  </big>
<em>	 emphasized text  </em>
<i>	 italic text </i>
<small>	 small text </small>
<strong> strong text </strong>
<sub>	 subscripted text  </sub>
<sup>	 superscripted text </sup>
<ins>	 inserted text </ins>
<del>	 deleted text </del>

<code>	 computer code text</code>
<kbd>	 keyboard text </kbd>
<samp>	 sample computer code</samp>
<tt>	 teletype text</tt>	
<var>	 a variable</var>
<pre>	 preformatted text</pre>

<abbr>	 an abbreviation </abbr>	 
<acronym>	 an acronym </acronym>
<address> contact information </address> 
<bdo>	 the text direction </bdo>	
<blockquote>	  a long quotation </blockquote>
<q>	 a short quotation </q>	
<cite>	 a citation </cite>
<dfn>	 a definition term </dfn>


It is easy to maintain and change the HTML page text or content by using the CSS. CSS is very powerful and it let developer or designer to change the content of the page without changing the page itself.

Formatting Text HTML Tags

Tag HTML Description
<abbr> HTML4 Specifies an abbreviation
<acronym> HTML4 Defines an acronym
<address> HTML4 Specifies an address element
<address> HTML4 Specifies an address element
<del> HTML4 Defines text that has been deleted from a document
<dfn> HTML4 Defines a definition term
<em> HTML4 Specifies emphasized text
<p> HTML4 Defines a paragraph
<pre> HTML4 Defines preformatted text
<q> HTML4 Defines a short quotation
<samp> HTML4 Defines sample output from a computer program
<small> HTML4 Specifies small text
<strong> HTML4 Specifies strong text
<sub> HTML4 Specifies subscripted text
<sup> HTML4 Specifies superscripted text

Example 1

<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<h3>Chapter 1</h3>
<p><u>Learn how to format your web page:</u><br/>
the letter u is used for underline. <b>bolder</b> can be made
by the letter b.<br/> If she is more happy, she adds b with u.<br/>
Thus, <b><u>U're bolder and underline</u></b>. Nothing to stop here yet.<br/>
How about something else? I don't care, but I am part of the letter too. <br/>
If you put I in between word, I tell it is different that b or u. <i>Eye</i>.<br/>
<h3>Chapter 2</h3>
<big>It's big</big>, and when you want something big, you can just say it is big.<br/>
big is not a header, it is just big. Don't confuse okay.<br/>	
</p><address>Send me to my address: 2450 Lake Rd, Apt 4000</address>Address is for address.
<dfn>It's just a term</dfn>, by using dfn to tell everyone about the term.

Output TRY-IT

Html formatting 1.png

Related Link
