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HTML Complete Tags

From w3cyberlearnings
# Tag HTML Description
1 <!--...--> HTML4 Specifies a comment
2 <!doctype> HTML4 Specifies the document type
3 <a> HTML4 Specifies a hyperlink
4 <abbr> HTML4 Specifies an abbreviation
5 <acronym> HTML4 Defines an acronym
6 <address> HTML4 Specifies an address element
7 <area> HTML4 Defines an area inside an image-map
8 <b> HTML4 Defines bold text
9 <base> HTML4 Specifies the base URL/target for all relative URLs in a document
10 <bdo> HTML4 Overrides the current text direction
11 <big> HTML4 Defines big text
12 <blockquote> HTML4 Defines a long quotation
13 <body> HTML4 Defines the document's body
14 <br> HTML4 Defines a single line break
15 <button> HTML4 Defines a clickable button
16 <caption> HTML4 Defines a table caption
17 <cite> HTML4 Defines a citation
18 <code> HTML4 Defines a piece of computer code
19 <col> HTML4 Defines attribute values for one or more columns in a table
20 <colgroup> HTML4 Specifies a group of one or more columns in a table for formatting
21 <dd> HTML4 Defines a description of an item in a definition list
22 <del> HTML4 Defines text that has been deleted from a document
23 <dfn> HTML4 Defines a definition term
24 <div> HTML4 Specifies a section in a document
25 <dl> HTML4 Specifies a definition list
26 <dt> HTML4 Specifies a definition term
27 <em> HTML4 Specifies emphasized text
28 <fieldset> HTML4 Groups related elements in a form
29 <form> HTML4 Defines an HTML form for user input
30 <frame> HTML4 Defines a window (a frame) in a frameset
31 <frameset> HTML4 Defines a set of frames
32 <h1> HTML4 Specifies a heading level 1
33 <h2> HTML4 Specifies a heading level 2
34 <h3> HTML4 Specifies a heading level 3
35 <h4> HTML4 Specifies a heading level 4
36 <h5> HTML4 Specifies a heading level 5
37 <h6> HTML4 Specifies a heading level 6
38 <head> HTML4 Defines information about the document
39 <hr> HTML4 Specifies a horizontal rule
40 <HTML> HTML4 Specifies an HTML document
41 <i> HTML4 Specifies italic text
42 <iframe> HTML4 Specifies an inline sub window (frame)
43 <img> HTML4 Specifies an image
44 <input> HTML4 Specifies an input field
45 <ins> HTML4 Specifies inserted text
46 <isindex> HTML4
47 <kbd> HTML4 Specifies keyboard text
48 <label> HTML4 Specifies a label for a form control
49 <legend> HTML4 Specifies a title in a fieldset
50 <li> HTML4 Specifies a list item
51 <link> HTML4 Specifies a resource reference
52 <map> HTML4 Specifies an image map
53 <meta> HTML4 Specifies meta information
54 <noframes> HTML4 Defines an alternate content for users that do not support frames
55 <noscript> HTML4 Specifies a noscript section
56 <object> HTML4 Defines an embedded object
57 <ol> HTML4 Defines an ordered list
58 <optgroup> HTML4 Defines a group of related options in a drop-down list
59 <option> HTML4 Defines an option in a drop-down list
60 <p> HTML4 Defines a paragraph
61 <param> HTML4 Defines a parameter for an object
62 <pre> HTML4 Defines preformatted text
63 <q> HTML4 Defines a short quotation
64 <samp> HTML4 Defines sample output from a computer program
65 <script> HTML4 Specifies a script
66 <select> HTML4 Specifies a section
67 <small> HTML4 Specifies small text
68 <span> HTML4 Specifies a section in a document
69 <strong> HTML4 Specifies strong text
70 <style> HTML4 Specifies a style definition
71 <sub> HTML4 Specifies subscripted text
72 <sup> HTML4 Specifies superscripted text
73 <table> HTML4 Specifies a table
74 <tbody> HTML4 Specifies a table body
75 <td> HTML4 Specifies a table cell
76 <textarea> HTML4 Specifies a text area
77 <tfoot> HTML4 Specifies a table footer
78 <th> HTML4 Specifies a table header
79 <thead> HTML4 Specifies a table header
80 <title> HTML4 Specifies the document title
81 <tr> HTML4 Specifies a table row
82 <tt> HTML4 Specifies text with a non-textual annotation.
83 <ul> HTML4 Specifies an unordered list
84 <var> HTML4 Specifies a variable
85 <article> HTML5 Specifies an article
86 <aside> HTML5 Specifies content aside from the page content
87 <audio> HTML5 Specifies sound content
88 <bdi> HTML5 Isolates a part of text that might be formatted in a different direction from other text outside it
89 <canvas> HTML5 Used to draw graphics, on the fly, via scripting (usually JavaScript)
90 <command> HTML5 Specifies a command button that a user can invoke
91 <datalist> HTML5 Specifies a list of pre-defined options for input controls
92 <details> HTML5 Specifies additional details that the user can view or hide
93 <embed> HTML5 Specifies a container for an external application or interactive content (a plug-in)
94 <figcaption> HTML5 Specifies a caption for a <figure> element
95 <figure> HTML5 Specifies self-contained content
96 <header> HTML5 Specifies a header for a document or section
97 <hgroup> HTML5 Groups heading <h1> to <h6> elements
98 <keygen> HTML5 Specifies a key-pair generator field (for forms)
99 <mark> HTML5 Specifies marked/highlighted text
100 <meter> HTML5 Specifies a scalar measurement within a known range (a gauge)
101 <nav> HTML5 Specifies navigation links
102 <output> HTML5 Specifies the result of a calculation
103 <progress> HTML5 Represents the progress of a task
104 <rp> HTML5 Specifies what to show in browsers that do not support ruby annotations
105 <rt> HTML5 Specifies an explanation/pronunciation of characters (for East Asian typography)
106 <ruby> HTML5 Specifies a ruby annotation (for East Asian typography)
107 <section> HTML5 Specifies a section in a document
108 <source> HTML5 Specifies multiple media resources for media elements (<video> and <audio>)
109 <summary> HTML5 Specifies a visible heading for a <details> element
110 <time> HTML5 Specifies a date/time
111 <track> HTML5 Specifies text tracks for media elements (<video> and <audio>)
112 <video> HTML5 Specifies a video or movie
113 <wbr> HTML5 Specifies a possible line-break