CSS ref Flexible Box
From w3cyberlearnings
# | Property | CSS | Description |
1 | box-align | 3 | Sets how to align the child elements of a box |
2 | box-direction | 3 | Sets in which direction the children of a box are displayed |
3 | box-flex | 3 | Sets whether the children of a box is flexible or inflexible in size |
4 | box-flex-group | 3 | Assigns flexible elements to flex groups |
5 | box-lines | 3 | Sets whether columns will go onto a new line whenever it runs out of space in the parent box |
6 | box-ordinal-group | 3 | Sets the display order of the child elements of a box |
7 | box-orient | 3 | Sets whether the children of a box should be laid out horizontally or vertically |
8 | box-pack | 3 | Sets the horizontal position in horizontal boxes and the vertical position in vertical boxes |